Teeth Cleaning In Pune

    When do you need Teeth Cleaning?

     Teeth cleaning or Scaling is required in the below-mentioned cases

    1. If you are experiencing bad breath/halitosis
    2. If you spot brown-black stains or deposits in your teeth, which can be present because of multiple factors like smoking, excessive intake of tea, coffee, or red wine, consumption of tobacco, due to some medication like prolonged use of iron syrup, etc
    3. If you notice hard yellowish-brown deposits on teeth known as calculus. Can be present because of improper brushing technique, not brushing at night time, severe acidity issue, etc
    4. Bleeding from gums or gingiva.

    Dental cleaning or scaling should be done once a year to maintain good oral hygiene by removal of plaque and tartar and to avoid above mentioned symptoms.

    Before After Image

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is teeth cleaning?

    Teeth Cleaning also known as deep mouth cleaning, is a procedure that involves the removal of dental plaque and tartar from the teeth surface as well as just below the gum line, which can’t be removed by normal brushing of teeth.

    How is it done?

    Dental cleaning involves an ultrasonic instrument that features a vibrating metal tip, combined with a cool water spray, the tip chips tartar away as the water flushes out the pocket, followed by planning and smoothening of the gum surfaces that are exposed. 

    Who Should Undergo Teeth Cleaning And What Are The Expected Results?

     Every individual should undergo teeth cleaning at least once a year. A person more prone to cavities or caries, or having diabetes, blood pressure or cardiac-related problems or any other health issues should undergo scaling once in 6 months to maintain oral hygiene. Pregnant women are more prone to gums related issues like bleeding gums, loosening of teeth, they should also undergo mouth cleaning once in 6 months.

    Dental Cleaning involves the removal of plaque and tartar from the teeth surface and thorough clinical examination, which helps in preventing the growth of bacteria on the teeth surface. 

    What Are The Benefits Of Teeth Cleaning?

    There are multiple benefits of teeth cleaning or mouth cleaning –

    1. Helps to maintain oral hygiene. 
    2. Removal of plaque and tartar from the teeth surface 
    3. Prevents tooth decay and cavity formation
    4. Eliminates bad breath or odour
    5. Helps to stop the bleeding from gums while brushing.
    6. Prevents from the early loss of teeth
    7. Dental cleaning helps to maintain the level of bone

    How Much Does Teeth Cleaning Cost?

     The teeth cleaning cost in Pune varies depending on teeth surface covered by stain or deposits, type of stain. In the case of low to moderate oral condition charges are a little low, but in cases where deep cleaning and multiple sittings are required charges may increase. If additional procedure like root planing is necessary, Teeth cleaning or teeth scaling cost may increase further.

    You can call our front desk at +919067935347 Mon – Sat 10m – 7pm,
    Email us at [email protected] or fill the Contact Form

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