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Our clients are our priority, we offer quality dental services with a team of specialists. More details about our services below.









Services We Provide

Scaling, also known as deep cleaning, is a procedure that involves the removal of dental plaque and tartar from the teeth surface as well as just below the gum line, which can’t be removed by normal tooth brushing. It involves an ultrasonic instrument which features a vibrating metal tip, combined with a cool water spray, the tip chips tartar away as the water flushes out the pocket, followed by smoothening and planing of those surfaces of the gum that are exposed. At The Dent Care, we take care of all these problems and many other problems that you may have because of this.
RCT stands for Root Canal Treatment. This treatment, because of modern technology, is now mostly painless. It is needed when an injury or large cavity exposes the tooth pulp and the root becomes infected or inflamed. So, when you undergo a Root Canal Treatment, the inflamed or infected pulp is removed and after that, the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected. It is then filled and sealed with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. Once all this is done, the tooth is then restored with a crown, and later the tooth can function normally.
Implants are devices that replace the roots of missing teeth. They are used to support crowns, bridges or dentures. Implants are surgically placed in your jawbone. They are made up of titanium and look like a cylinder or a screw. Generally after an implant placement, there is a waiting period of around 2-3 months so that the bone in the jaw grows into and around the implant; after which a crown or a bridge is placed over the implant.
Poor dental health and dental decay, in particular, is very common in children. If not treated properly, it leads to toothache and infection. It can affect eating, sleeping and normal activities. It may also lead to cavity and infection of permanent tooth.
The gums we have support our teeth and sometimes, an infection can develop in the gums. This is a bacterial infection caused by the buildup of plaque and tartar, when teeth are not routinely brushed or flossed. It is one of the major reasons for teeth implant or loss. In such cases, immediate treatment is necessary or else one can actually lose the tooth. If caught early, it is easy to treat. At Dent care, we provide services to fix this for you.
The concept of filling is replacing and restoring your tooth structure that is damaged due to decay or fracture with a material.

With today’s advancement, you will no longer have to suffer the embarrassment of unsightly and unhealthy silver/mercury fillings. Eliminate the dark, black appearance in your teeth with new age, state-of-the-art, tooth coloured resin or porcelain material commonly called as Composite fillings. This is a white filling material resembling the natural tooth color which can be reshaped and repaired

Bridges and crowns are fixed prosthetic devices that are cemented on existing teeth or implants and can only be removed by a dentist. Crowns are used to entirely cover or cap a damaged tooth. It can also be used to cover an implant. Bridge is a prosthetic apparatus used to span any area of mouth where one or more teeth are missing . This helps in strengthening a damaged tooth. It also helps in enhancing appearance and shape.

It is a multi-step procedure in which teeth are sufficiently reshaped. An impression of missing tooth and surrounding tooth is made, the impression is sent to the laboratory to customize a bridge that fits your mouth exactly. Until a bridge is developed, a temporary bridge is secured by cement to fit the empty space.

It is either restoration of natural tooth shade or whitening beyond natural shade. It’s a very effective way of lightening the natural colour of your teeth without removing any of your tooth surfaces. At the Dent Care we will be able to tell you if your teeth are suitable for this treatment.
Smile design is a dental procedure that creates artistically straighter, whiter and beautiful natural looking smiles. It is one procedure that will do wonders for your dental health and appearance, no matter what the condition was of your existing teeth.  Age is one of the factors that affects our smile and makes it dull over time. Smile enhancement will fix that for you.
Orthodontics is a way of straightening or moving teeth in order to improve the appearance of teeth and how they work.  It can also help look after the long term help of your teeth, gums and jaw joints by spreading the biting pressure over all your teeth.

Many people have crowded, crooked or overlapping teeth. Orthodontics will straighten the teeth or move them into better position, which improves the appearance and also makes it easier to clean them. When teeth don’t meet correctly, it can put strain on the muscle of jaw, causing jaw and joint problems, and sometimes headaches as well. Orthodontics can help to bite evenly and reduce the strain.

Expert Dentists

Our clients are our priority, we offer quality dental services with a team of specialists. More details about our services below.

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.

Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur.

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