Child Dental Care in Pune

    Need For A Pediatric Dentist

    Most parents believe that milk teeth don’t require any treatment as they will fall eventually and will be replaced by permanent teeth. But the decayed milk teeth, if left untreated, will keep on progressing leading to sensitivity, pain and infection. In some cases untreated milk teeth infection may spread to under-growing permanent teeth, leading to decaying of permanent teeth as well.

    Before After Image

    Frequently Asked Questions

    When to visit a pediatric dentist?

    A parent should take his or her child to the kid’s dentist at least twice a year from the day the kid’s 1st tooth erupts in the oral cavity for a routine dental check-up. Prevention is better than cure, routine dental check-up and the procedures like fluoride application, pit and fissure sealant application are helpful in the prevention of caries in children, with a high risk of cavity formation.

    What Are The Benefits Of Visiting A Kid's Dentist Regularly?

     Following are the benefits of visiting a kid’s dentist regularly:

    • Teaches kids to maintain good oral health from starting.
    • Helps in the development of a positive attitude towards dental treatment.
    • Helps to ensure proper development of mouth and teeth
    • Helps to stop bad dental habits at an early stage.
    • Early detection of caries/decaying of teeth
    • Early correction of misaligned teeth.
    • Prevention of spread of infection to under-growing permanent teeth
    • Prevention of early loss of milk teeth
    • Application of fluoride

    Treatment Offered Under Child Dental Care?

     Procedures included are as follows:

    • Maintaining oral health and hygiene
    • Teeth cleaning
    • Fluoride application
    • Pit and fissure sealant
    • Teeth filling
    • Root canal treatment/pulpectomy
    • Crowns
    • Orthodontic treatment
    • Extraction of teeth
    • Space maintainers for teeth

    Why The Dent Care Clinic?

     To perform a dental procedure on children requires a thorough understanding of their psychological as well as physiological behaviour. Our dental experts handle the kids with a lot of patience. We not only treat the problem which the child faces but also try to inculcate good oral habits and knowledge in them regarding the importance of maintaining good oral health. With the kids friendly environment we try to make kids comfortable while doing the procedure, thus removing the fear from kids regarding the dental visit and dental treatment. If you are searching for the best pediatric dentist in Pune, book an appointment now.

    You can call our front desk at +919067935347 Mon – Sat 10m – 7pm,
    Email us at [email protected] or fill the Contact Form

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